
Update on Abbat and Pelekech


Abbat village continues to thrive with an atmosphere filled with praise and worship. The children are progressing rapidly in their studies, demonstrating impressive proficiency in both English and Kiswahili in a remarkably short time. Our two dedicated teachers have proven themselves to be exceptional, earning high praise compared to others. As communicated in our recent update from lolemu, Abbat will be extending its school calendar to only one week instead of the government-mandated three weeks. This adjustment aims to ensure that the children have access to food and can efficiently catch up with the school syllabus. We kindly request your prayers for the timely provision of an additional teacher and for divine intervention in resolving the ongoing water issue.


Pelekech has undergone significant growth, evolving into a remarkable center with two additional classes nearing completion. What initially started as a modest initiative has transformed into a magnificent establishment, showcasing God’s faithfulness. However, Pelekech has encountered a minor setback as our compassionate teacher, Peterson, has been offered employment by an NGO, presumably offering better terms. We earnestly pray for compassion as they seek a replacement for Peterson, hoping to find an equally committed teacher. Meanwhile, our other teachers continue to excel, with Teacher Esther assuming overall leadership responsibilities in anticipation of the arrival of another teacher. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering prayers and support.

Thank you for being part of our journey.

23rd Feb 2024

Love & Respect Conference - 2024

During these tough times when help does not come easy, your decision to extend a hand to those in need has made a huge difference not only to us but to everyone who has been blessed enough to know you. Throughout our life journey, you have always been there at exactly the right time. Your act of kindness and service shows how big of a heart you have not only to us but for others who need you. The time and effort you spend in Turkana defines you as a big help to the elderly, youths and children of Turkana. The recently concluded Love and Respect Conference that was held at The Maxland Hotel helped bring me and my wife closer together after a long separation. After the seminar, we experienced a deeper connection and improved communication in our marriage, which we hope to carry on for many years to come. Thank you for making such a huge difference.

 – Michael & Eunice Gitau

14th Dec 2023

I hope you are well!

I wanted to take a moment and send this update to you tonight.

Most of you know that in February this year I went to Kenya, Africa to help with some mission work there with an organization called His Glory Ministries (HGM). In September, I was able to go again and Lord Willing, we are hoping for and planning a trip back to Kenya in February 2024! By saying that, I don’t want you to think that I would think I am anyone special for doing this but rather I would want you to know that I feel God has a calling on each of our lives and He uses each one in a unique way to make a difference no matter where we are at in life! All for His Glory!!! I can truly say I came home with a new perspective on life! We are so blessed here in the States… So blessed. Unfortunately, many of us do not even realize the endless blessings that God has dumped on our lives and probably most, shamefully like myself, often take our blessings here for granted.

After I returned home, I have thought a lot about this situation and what I experienced while I was there…. This question kept haunting me… Why would God bless us, here in the States, so abundantly while the people in these 3rd world countries suffer so much? What did we/I do to deserve even one of these blessings? Why us Lord?

After pondering on this for several weeks the answer was revealed to me… We did absolutely nothing to deserve this! We have been blessed and are in our current state of abundance so we can help others! How blind could I be!?! I have spent so much time here on earth “building my own kingdom” instead of promoting and helping God my own kingdom” instead of promoting and helping God further His Kingdom that it is unbelievable! Lord help us all! Dear brothers, hear me out here… I am not a person who feels or even thinks for one single minute that all of our “mission work” needs to be in some foreign country thousands of miles away! If you know me personally, you know I don’t feel this way at all!

However, I feel like we can ALL make a difference where we are called! There are many good and proper ways to help here at home… I am sure, and I say this with absolutely no doubt, that you are already actively involved with something that can be considered a charitable cause…. In fact, I see many of you already doing great things with the blessings and gifts God has given you! What an awesome thing to see! The point I am trying to make is this…. I ask myself first… Am I giving until it hurts? Am I giving conditionally or is it 100% unconditional? Do I really care about who I am giving to or helping,… or is it for the wrong reason? Am I expecting a blessing from God when I give? Sadly, I have often been on the wrong page with many of these questions. I thank God for recently opening my eyes to this and I am excited about the work He has done in our lives! All Glory to Him!

Psalm 139:14 “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

This work in Kenya…. Short version of the story here…. We are actively collecting funding to continue construction of a new school. When we first put together the estimated budget with previous numbers from the 1st school, we were looking at a finished project of approximately $22-25,000.. Unfortunately, after getting several quotes from different local contractors, we were disappointed to find out the prices on materials, labor, and transport all went up from what we thought originally so our proposed budget of $22-25k was no longer a reality… However, we know and believe God can provide for this cause! Construction started on the week of December the 4th. This school is in an area of lots of poverty… It’s almost unbearable to see some of these situations that I have seen…. These people have so little… No school, no church building, live in small huts constructed of anything they can find, no running water, can’t read or write, hardly any food and the list goes on and on… How awesome would it be to see these children be able to read the Word of God on their own and to receive an education so hopefully at least a few of them could return and help their own people??

I humbly ask that this Christmas and with the season of giving up on us that you would consider two things for me as a friend…..

1 – I request that you remember us in your daily prayers and please ask God to give us wisdom in all matters as we continue forward in Kenya! Your prayer support is a major need!

2 – Even though this would not be required, if you feel led to help in any way regardless of what that may be, please let the Lord be your guide in this… If you wish to make a donation, all of us at HGM and the people in Kenya, would be so grateful! The info on how to do a donation is on the 2nd page of the newsletter on the bottom left. Feel free to get it to me personally, use the mailing address, or visit the website if you wish… Questions? Call me directly at the number below..

Final thoughts… Let me leave you with this… Please don’t leave the current places you are already helping in a bad position by shifting anything in this direction of this particular need if you are being called to help there.. I am only asking that you would consider this great need and if the Lord leads you to help in any way I trust you will follow his urging and be obedient to Him no matter where he leads and calls you and your family!

John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments

A few more verses from 1st John…

1Jn 5:1 “Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves Him who is begotten of Him.

1Jn 5:2 “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments.”

1Jn 5:3 “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.

And here is a link to some of my favorite photos from both of our trips to Kenya.

Feel free to forward this message to anyone that may be willing to help! A friend once shared this with me… No one can help everyone…. But everyone can help someone… How true this is!

One more thing… If you do choose to help this cause and you wish to mail a check, please put the following in the memo section of the check “Missions in Kenya – Abaat School” This will help us direct the funds in that direction!

Let us remember the Reason for the season!

With much love!

– JR & Sarah Graber & Family

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